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What am I doing Now

Last updated on July 9, 2024 from Victoria, Canada


  • Running my real estate brokerage
  • Marketing, advertising, and development for various companies around the world
  • Making videos discussing various topics of importance
  • Working on a new app for real estate agents to simplify their businesses and automate much of the boring stuff
  • If you want to work with me Email me here


  • Technology - Golang and Supabase - Focused on authentication currently. I rebuilt this blog in Hugo recently.
  • Figuring out docker compose
  • Language - Italian
  • Rabbit Hole - Christianity and the Church Fathers


  • Loving being a dad
  • Hitting the gym as much as possible
  • Moved to Victoria BC for the summer after selling much of our stuff and giving up our rental of 3 years
  • Quit Instagram last month and looking to quit all other social channels
  • Increasing my boredom for instilling creativity in my day to day



“If you’re thinking about going, just go.”

If you don’t have a Now page, you should make one, too!