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Archiving the internet

·190 words·1 min·
Workflow Web
Joshua Blais
Joshua Blais

When you visit a site, you should use the webarchive's tooling to save a snapshot of the page incase for whatever reason, the page goes down in the future.

For example, the other day, I was working on the configuration of my emacs installation, and a great resource is tecosaur's doom emacs configuration, and as such, I made sure that I have a backup of it here:

All you have to do is head on over to, and at the bottom of the page is a "Save Page Now" link.

Copy-paste the url into that box, and use that version for all of your future linkings to it (that's not a word.)

You will probably not have to do this for every page, but it is good practice. In the nearly 3 decades I have been online, I only wish I had know this sooner and used it for things that I found interesting. This also helps to preserve the web for posterity's sake. Win-win.


As always, God bless, and until next time.

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