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How to use social media without losing your soul

·1492 words·8 mins·
Technology Digital Minimalism Philosophy
Joshua Blais
Joshua Blais
Table of Contents

There have been various times that I have detoxxed myself from the social media demon that plagues our society.

While I think that it would be best that social media had never been invented, the cat is out of the bag. What we can do as mindful creators and children of God is use the mediums that are afforded for good. So, it is with a heavy heart that I concede, and show you how I use social media to spread awareness of the projects I am working on, and trying to evangelize through the digital medium.

1. Mindfulness

If one is not careful, social media can entirely overrun one's life. I have had days many years ago where I would scroll endlessly and then feel terrible at the end of the day - and obviously there is a reason for that - I wasted one of my God given days on pointlessness.

Instead, we can use the mediums as transmitters, not as consumers. This means scheduling posts, not using the apps on our phones (as our phones are the points of least friction), setting times for conversing with the community, and being careful that we are not consuming mindless content when we could be using the medium as a way to leave a mark on the world in our own way.


I impose strict limitations on myself when it comes to social media, simply because I know how weak I am. I don't allow the apps on my phone, I have a dedicated secondary device (old phone) for using instagram, though I try to do everything via the browser, and I don't permit myself scrolling time. On the browser, I have one that is used for socials (Brave) and have an extension called Leechblock that blocks use of any social media unless I override it.

You can also use "Killall Newsfeed" in the browser to stop any home feed from showing up in any of the social channels, so the temptation to scroll isn't even present.

Posting times and response times

I also create time in the calendar to schedule posts, and treat it like a job. Same with responding to comments and engaging. If I allowed myself to read the comments on my videos all hours of the day, I would never get any work done whatsoever. I do the same for my email, otherwise I would be torn away from work far too frequently. Twice per day during breaks is really best.

Forgoing DMs

Another limitation I self impose is that I don't generally respond to Direct Messages. If I do, it is to direct the person to email me as that is a better form of communication that we both control. The reasons for this are many, but generally, I just want the conversation to be public and on the content we are discussing. The exception is memes, I always respond to memes.

2. Your platform first

There is an indie-webism of POSSE - "Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere". What this means is that your website is the only platform that you actually control. People that visit are able to see the latest posts and content without filtering, there is no algorithm against yourself.

It has been the greatest joy to post to my own blog and have people come back day in and day out to see my new writings, writing to me and starting conversation around the pieces that I put out into the world. It has filled my heart with happiness to see that I have helped some come to Christ in my journey - it is why I leave my old writings up; to show where I have been and how I am no different from anyone.

Your platform is authentically you. And, you should use it as the upstream of all that you do on the internet, leading people back to your home at

All else can follow from there.

3. Scheduling Content

The easiest way to not get caught up in the day to day minutae of social platforms is to schedule your content a week or two in advance. This means that you are mindfully going on the platform, posting the things that will come out over the next 7-14 days, and then logging off so that you are not falling for the consumption trap that each of these platforms becomes when left unchecked.

4. The platforms

#1 - Your website

Your content on your platform first, all else follows.

#2 - Youtube

Take your longform content and repurpose it in video format, with tutorials, talking head, philosophical deep dives, investigative pieces, whatever is on brand for you. This has been another joy of mine is that I see the comments on my videos helping people to move toward a life of First Principles by showing how I am trying and striving to live that life.

Youtube can be a very rewarding path, and not only that, the skills of video production, public speaking, and storytelling are useful in all areas of your career and life. Even if it is creating an edit of your family vacation, the ability to do so is very cool!

#3 - Twitter

If you are more inclined to the spoken work, then twitter (I'm never calling is "X") is a good place to take it. For me, I am a bit more of that persuasion, so I like it over Instagram, but if you are more visually inclined, well…

#3 - Instagram/Facebook

Tied for 3 is Instagram - if you are more visually inclined. If you are a photographer or video heavy, then Instagram could even be #2 on your list of priority. The ability to easily cross post is nice, otherwise I would probably not use Facebook at all beyond marketplace.

#4 - Tiktok, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Threads

These are the final platforms I would recommend looking into as time is precious and I think the greatest ROI for your time are elsewhere. While there are people that make their entirely livlihood on tik-tok, the algorithm is notoriously fickle and the politics surrounding the platform I would rather not get into.

These are lower tier and lesser ROI holistically than your own site and youtube, then twitter/instagram as supplemtary.

#5 - Reddit

This is becoming a bit more used for me, in that I post under my own name in niches that I am interested in, and have in the past had my content posted to subreddits (The emacs subreddit for example) that I go and reply to.

Community Building

I highly value each and every person that reads or watches my content, and aim to build a community around us as like minded individuals seeking the Truth.

The limitations I place on my social media presence are not as stringent when it comes to my email inbox, because that is where I feel I can really talk to people and offer whatever it is that I can offer them. I have thought about expanding outward into coaching and discussion groups, and have made my calendar open to people so they can book these coaching sessions.

The key to building genuine and fulfilling community in our digital age is creating spaces where real conversation can happen. While social media can spark initial connections, deeper relationships require more intentional channels of communication. This is why I emphasize email as my primary means of connection - it allows for thoughtful, unhurried dialogue that social media's rapid-fire nature often prevents. You won't believe the number of rocketships and fire emojis I get in my inbox, which is nice, but really doesn't do anything to build anything meaningful. I am an advocate for ceasing the use of emojis entirely, though I am sure this will not take off to any meaningful degree.

When someone comes in the door to my email inbox, they already matter to me - they've likely seen the content I've put out for some time, and they are making the effort to reach out. This matters to me, a lot. This kind of person is seeking connection that is deeper than the norm, and as such, deserves my attention and recognition.

In maintaining clear boundaries on social platforms while remaining openly available through more personal channels, the aim is to create a community that values depth and meaning rather than short term dopamine hits.

The reason I place this boundary is that it allows me to actually connect with each and every one of you. But, please note there is only one of me, and only so many hours in a day. While I aim to respond to all my emails, it sometimes takes days or even longer to do so. But, you can be sure that when I do reply, it was me doing so, taking the time to think up a meaningful response.

God bless, and until next time.