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Zen Workstation - Keybindings

·378 words·2 mins·
Linux Computers Open Source
Joshua Blais
Joshua Blais
Table of Contents
Zen Workstation - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article

Keybinds Reference for the Zen Computing System

I use Gocheat as my built in cheatsheet for all key bindings and update it frequently if there is anything I have missed and/or forget here


Hotkey Function
Alt + T Toggle tiled/floating view
Alt + ←/→/↑/↓ Focus window
Alt + Ctrl + ←/→/↑/↓ Resize windows
Alt + Shift + ←/→/↑/↓ Move windows
Alt + J Toggle split vertical/horizontal
Alt + 1-9 Go to workspace (1-9)
Alt + Shift + 1-9 Move window to workspace (1-9)
Alt + Ctrl + L Lock screen (hyprlock)
Alt + Q Close window
Alt + O Toggle pseudotiled
Alt + S Special/secret workspace
Alt + Shift + 0 Kill hyprland
Alt + Tab Cycle windows
Alt + Shift + F Toggle fullscreen


Hotkey Function
Alt + W Firefox
PrtScr Screenshot (grimshot)
Alt + Enter Kitty terminal
Alt + Space Wofi finder
Alt + P Password manager (tessen)
Alt + Y Bemoji (emoji picker)
Alt + M Thunderbird
Alt + F Yazi (file manager)
Alt + Z Newsboat
Alt + Shift + C Hyprpicker (color picker)
Alt + C Gocheat keybindings


Hotkey Function
Ctrl + Space Tmux prefix
Prefix + R Reload config file
Ctrl + ←/→/↑/↓ Select pane
Prefix + V Enter copy mode
V (in copy mode) Begin selection in copy mode
Y (in copy mode) Copy selection in copy mode
Shift + ←/→/↑/↓ Resize pane (fine)
Prefix + - Split window vertically
Prefix + \ Split window horizontally
Prefix + C New window
Prefix + B Break pane into new window
Prefix + {/} Swap panes
Prefix + Ctrl + S Save session
Prefix + W Switch to session
Prefix + ‘:rename’ Rename session


Hotkey Function
Ctrl + N Nvim tree
Alt + L Open floating terminal


Hotkey Function
Alt + Ctrl + V Start/stop recording screen
Alt + Ctrl + S Camera on screen
Alt + Ctrl + O Mount encrypted drive
Alt + Ctrl + C Unmount encrypted drive
Alt + Ctrl + W Change wallpaper
Alt + N Open file
Alt + B Open bookmarks file
Alt + Ctrl + M Open ncmpcpp music


Hotkey Function
XF86MonBrightnessDown/Up Brightness control
Ctrl + Shift + ↑/↓ Volume up/down
Zen Workstation - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article