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Hugo and Org Mode
·202 words·1 min
Emacs Writing
For the last six months or so, I have been using Hugo as my blogging platform of choice, switching over from a heavy NextJS site to one that is far more lightweight and focused on static files.


Returning to the Church (of Emacs)
·1728 words·9 mins
Workflow Technology Linux Emacs
I think I made a mistake, team!


How I use Emacs
·1734 words·9 mins
Technology Emacs Productivity
A few years ago, I wrote an article about how I use org-mode to get things done.


How I use Org Mode to Do More
·2362 words·12 mins
Emacs Tools Org-Mode
How I use Org Mode to Do More # Allow me to nerd out today on this post.
You Should Use Emacs
·1298 words·7 mins
Technology Emacs
Why I use Emacs in 2021, and You Should Too # “Josh, why are you using software from 45 years ago?