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·480 words·3 mins·
Joshua Blais
Joshua Blais
Table of Contents

This is a list of the hardware, software, and services I personally use.

Last updated July 10, 2024


The Core system

I take a Fedora Workstation installation and build out from there to create a development, video editing, and writing environment that permits me to create out of the box.

This setup is inspired by my own use case, and should generally fit most people’s needs, as it will include office software, text editing, file manager, video editor, audio editor, and installed tooling for the development stack I use (mainly docker, git, golang, postgres, and other helpful programs.)

This builds on the Zen System series, automating much of the installation and letting us hit the ground running.

For those that are coming from Windows after the fiasco(s) of late, this is a great way to get rolling!


