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Set a Timer
·139 words·1 min
Productivity Focus
With various new social media channels coming online where you can waste more of your ever-shortening life, let me recommend a way that you can break free from the strangle hold that these apps are designed to have on you:
My International Packing List
·766 words·4 mins
Travel Lifestyle
As a professional vagabond - I travel tremendously light.
Create More
·829 words·4 mins
Productivity Lifestyle
The only piece of advice I would give someone who is not where they want to be in life would be:
Win the Now
·421 words·2 mins
Mindset Life
You are only ever going to have the current moment to change your life and ways.
More focus music
·59 words·1 min
Music Focus
I have been going down the vaporwave/synthwave rabbit hole and found that it truly is the pinnacle of focusing music.
Show, dont tell
·303 words·2 mins
Work Lifestyle
Here’s a million dollar tip to those that would offer their products or services to me (or anyone) via cold outreach.
·652 words·4 mins
Simple Living Lifestyle
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Am I Creating or Consuming?
·259 words·2 mins
Work Lifestyle Focus
Perhaps the greatest change in my life came from when I simply asked myself “am I creating, or am I consuming?
I was on MKBHDs Video
·593 words·3 mins
Technology Videos
My ’tech hot take’ was featured in an MKBHD video this week, to the tune of 2.
Ideas that have changed my life
·1181 words·6 mins
Ideas Mindset
I saw a great post the other day from Sneak Berlin about some of the great ideas that have shaped his outlook.