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Why I use the Command Line
·1821 words·9 mins
Technology Computers Linux
After about half a decade of daily driving Linux, I have come to understand why the command line is simply better.
On telegram, Durov, and the lockstep toward banning encryption
·1039 words·5 mins
Technology Cyberpunk Computers Encryption
Recently, the founder of Telegram was detained in France and charged with complacency with regard to the various shady activities that go on on the platform.
How to block internet distractions
·431 words·3 mins
Technology Computers Digital Minimalism
Although I don’t use social media, there are still many distractions to be had on the internet (oh the understatement!
Why I switched to Neovim from Emacs
·888 words·5 mins
Neovim Technology
At the beginning of this year, I aimed to simplify many of my processes so that I could focus on the things that I actually wanted to do with a computer - namely build things efficiently and quickly.
My Mobile Office Setup (2024)
·839 words·4 mins
Technology Productivity
Taking my workstation along with me has never been easier and I am blessed to have the ability to use a perfectly ergonomic setup wherever I may be on Earth.
Migrate Password Store to a New GPG Key
·633 words·3 mins
Technology Security
It has been a few years since I looked at my GPG keys, and the security defaults have since shifted greatly!
Note Taking for the Future
·1284 words·7 mins
Technology Productivity
I have been looking for a way to get my notes synced across all devices to create a portable knowledge base.
The Ultimate Zen Workstation - Part Two: Configuration
·1103 words·6 mins
Technology Productivity
In this second installation of my Ultimate Zen Workstation Series, we will start from a fresh installation of Fedora Workstation 40 and configure everything in an optimal way so as to get us up and running.
The Ultimate Zen Workstation - Part One
·1462 words·7 mins
Technology Productivity
Updated September 2, 2024
Do not use proprietary filesystems
·293 words·2 mins
Technology Freedom
A friend of mine sent me a .