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Not All is Material
·416 words·2 mins
Christianity Science
When you look around, all you will likely “see” is material.
The Theory of Everything was Solved
·683 words·4 mins
Christianity Science
The theory of everything has been solved since the arrival of Jesus Christ on Earth 2024 years ago.
Rationalist Minimalism
·1017 words·5 mins
Minimalism Christianity
Over the past month, I have paired down substantially the things that I own.
Life Is Meaningless Without God
·1665 words·8 mins
Christianity Spirituality
When I was a child, I would always ask my father - God bless him!


Pascals wager was wrong
·337 words·2 mins
Christianity Spirituality
The presupposition with Pascal’s wager is that living life from a Christian perspective is a “sacrifice” in the short term, but in the long term (read: eternity) you get the reward from that sacrifice in Heaven.
Die to the World
·314 words·2 mins
Christianity Spirituality
We must die to the world in order to find eternal life.