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Set a Timer
·139 words·1 min
Productivity Focus
With various new social media channels coming online where you can waste more of your ever-shortening life, let me recommend a way that you can break free from the strangle hold that these apps are designed to have on you:
More focus music
·59 words·1 min
Music Focus
I have been going down the vaporwave/synthwave rabbit hole and found that it truly is the pinnacle of focusing music.
Am I Creating or Consuming?
·259 words·2 mins
Work Lifestyle Focus
Perhaps the greatest change in my life came from when I simply asked myself “am I creating, or am I consuming?
Productivity Hack: Music
·134 words·1 min
Music Focus
Here’s a crazy productivity hack for you:


How to Focus
·666 words·4 mins
Technology Digital Minimalism Productivity Focus
Your focus is absolutely horrendous.
Why Productivity is Procrastination
·1644 words·8 mins
Technology Digital Minimalism Productivity Focus
I have a love hate relationship with “Productivity”.