The Killer Android App
·608 words·3 mins
The truly killer app of Android and why I can never return to an iPhone is Termux.
The Ultimate Version of You
·259 words·2 mins
If we explore Infinity: There is a highest and best version of you.
Watch How You Talk to Yourself
·623 words·3 mins
Would you allow someone to stay in your life that was constantly berating you?
20 Thoughts for Your 20s
·3613 words·17 mins
As today is my 30th birthday, I figured I would do the cliche and write about the last decade of my life for those that are entering their 20’s.
I am livestreaming the writing of my book
·134 words·1 min
I should be shot for the pun.
I quit social media indefinitely
·1869 words·9 mins
Social Media
Social Commentary
On December 5th, 2022, I deactivated my Instagram, Facebook (you’ll still see my account as I am selling some things on marketplace, lol), and Twitter accounts.
Curate your inputs - they make you who you are
·475 words·3 mins
Social Media
Social Commentary
I posted a video almost two years ago talking about this phenomenon.
Get out of the Box
·1002 words·5 mins
Inevitably people will try to pin me into this box or that box due to the content of my videos and writing.
The Universe is a Mirror
·1056 words·5 mins
Change your perception, change your life.
Make friends with the future you
·224 words·2 mins
Self Improvement
When you look around, you are looking at a series of decisions that you have made over the course of your life.