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All Change is Immediate
·215 words·2 mins
Mindset Spirituality
All Change is Immediate.
·458 words·3 mins
Mindset Spirituality
There is thinking
Heaven is in the Moment
·174 words·1 min
Lifestyle Spirituality Mindset
The peace that you have been looking for is found in the here and Now.
Back At It
·170 words·1 min
Life Fatherhood
After over a month off, I am back at it.


Become Unconsumerist
·1084 words·6 mins
Minimalism Simple Living
Strip down all of the things that you own, the brand names you associate with, the car you drive, the clothes you wear.
A Week of Creativity
·334 words·2 mins
Lifestyle Creativity Mindset Productivity
For one week, I want you to give up all forms of consumption.
Show up Early
·597 words·3 mins
Work Lifestyle
Do you show respect to those that you are meeting with?
Three Reasons You are Anxious
·581 words·3 mins
Mindset Health
There are 3 reasons you are anxious all the time: # 1.
Why I Wear a Broken Watch
·282 words·2 mins
Life Mindset
Here’s why I wear a ’broken’ watch.
Setup an OpenBSD Bastion Host
·559 words·3 mins
Servers Technology Openbsd Productivity
Introduction # We are going to be setting up a Bastion Host (or colloquially a ‘Jumpbox’) for our cloud infrastructure.