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Voting is Stupid
·1010 words·5 mins
Mindset Politics
Politics (and the following of what’s going on in the world) have been the biggest time sinks of my adult life.
·806 words·4 mins
Lifestyle Tools
The Everyday Carry Sling Bag # I recently made a foray into the ever evolving metrosexual space of sling bags.
How I use Org Mode to Do More
·2362 words·12 mins
Emacs Tools Org-Mode
How I use Org Mode to Do More # Allow me to nerd out today on this post.
You Should Use Emacs
·1298 words·7 mins
Technology Emacs
Why I use Emacs in 2021, and You Should Too # “Josh, why are you using software from 45 years ago?
Time to get a Server
·1141 words·6 mins
Technology Servers
Why You need a Home Server # We’ve all been there before.
Dating in 2021
·1590 words·8 mins
Social Commentary Dating
To be single in 2021 would be pretty difficult.
2 Months Off Social Media
·710 words·4 mins
Technology Social Media
2 Months off Social Media # I decided yesterday (February 6) that I would not use any social media platforms for two months.
Who Are You?
·286 words·2 mins
Mindset Spirituality
Who are You?
How to Be Rebellious in 2021
·1368 words·7 mins
Social Commentary Freedom Lifestyle
How to Be Rebellious in 2021 # I write this article tongue in cheek.


How to Archive the Internet
·653 words·4 mins
Technology Freedom
Upon reading an article I don’t know how I stumbled upon by Drew Devault